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Story Stones for Work on Writing!

Like a lot of the inspiration I get for my classroom, today’s post was originally inspired by sweet Tara! When I saw her post about story stones I knew that they would be a perfect addition to my Work on Writing choices for Daily 5!

I keep the stones in a little blue basket that I got from the Target Dollar Spot! That basket fits perfectly in my bigger pink basket that I use to organize all the Daily 5 choices for my students!
My students can choose to use the story stones to help inspire them with their writing! They can choose 2 or 3 stones and then take them back to their seat to start writing their story! I make sure to reiterate that they should pick their stones quickly, or else they will just stand there looking at all the pictures forever! 馃檪
The story stones were super easy to make! I just bought some stones and fun, colorful stickers, which I stuck on the stones and then used Mod Podge to help seal them on!

I love having a variety of simple choices for my students to work on during Daily 5, and they always love when things are changed up a bit!
I’m linking up with Tara for her April Monday Made It!
  1. Sara Soucy says:

    Love this idea! So different and enticing for students.

    Sara 馃檪
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Your stones turned out pretty:) I'm sure your kids love them!
    Fun in Room 4B

  3. Ashleigh CS says:

    How cute! Thanks for sharing!

    The Creation Station

  4. Marcy Fambro says:

    What a great idea! I'm going to have to try this out. I'm having a such a hard time getting my kiddos motivated to write this year.

    Saddle Up For 2nd Grade

  5. What a super cute idea! Thanks for sharing. 馃檪
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  6. Sandy says:

    Cute idea!!! I love it! And your pictures look great! Did you use BlogStomp??? 馃槈 I went and checked it out (really quickly) last night and it looks great (and EASY!) I can't wait to explore more! Love it- thanks for sharing that! 馃檪 Have a wonderful day!!!!!

  7. Tara says:

    Molly, Molly!!! Thanks for the love friend:) Your stones turned out so super cute!!!! I bet your kids absolutely love using them:) I blogged about your recommendation tree today…lol….I had to strip mine during testing so did something a little different:) Hugs! Hope all is well:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  8. What a cute idea! I saw the story cubes in your basket too. My class loves using those. I'll have to work on story stones this summer. I'm your newest follower.
    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  9. Thanks for the great info! I'm trying to watch what I ingest as my body attempts to properly digest it then I learn that I'm being bamboozled the whole damn time!
    coaching training

  10. This is such a fun, creative idea. Where did you get the great stones? I'd love to make a version for my preschooler!

  11. Kate says:

    Hi Molly,

    I absolutely love your blog! I am new to fourth grade and to a new school. I wanted to get a better idea of how you teach reading and writing. Moreover, do you follow the Daily 5 and CAFE model pretty strictly? Any suggestions, thoughts, would be greatly appreciated!


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