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My Teacher Bag

The Clutter-Free Classroom is having a “Let’s see your teacher bag linky party!” I love, love, LOVE my teacher bag! I got it on an after-Christmas trip to the outlet mall and was obsessed with the pink interior! I told my hubby I HAD to have the bag, since it was pink! He didn’t quite understand why I wanted a bag that I mainly liked the inside of, but that’s ok because it’s now my bag and I love it! 🙂 AND as a bonus, I have been able to keep it much neater than my old teacher bag! I love the motivation that comes with getting new things! Here’s a peek inside: 

 My three FAVORITE books that I carry around with me everyday! Love them!
Notebook from one of my kiddos and notepad for all my random notes and to do lists

 My Erin Condren teacher planner and life planner!!! These are AMAZING and make my planning so much more organized and colorful! AND right now the life planners & gift labels are 40% off! 
 Weekly planning section… Ahhh, isn’t it amazing?!

 Thank you notes from our recent field trip… delivering these this weekend
Box of girl scout cookies that I bought from one of my kiddos for one of my trainers
and of course my computer
And that’s all! Still nice and clean [and it’s been 2 whole months]!
  1. Jill says:

    I haven't read the CAFE book yet but Daily 5 and The Book Whisperer are two of my favorite teaching books too!!

    I want an Erin Condren planner for next year!! And I can't wait until my 100 boxes of Girl Scout cookies come in. I plan to gain 50 pounds. Haha!!!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  2. Amy says:

    I am also addicted to CAFE and Daily 5! They changed my teaching life 🙂 I also love your bag, too cute.

    The Crazy Adventures of a University Graduate

  3. Mrs. Poland says:

    I love the Book Whisperer and just ordered Daily 5. The Cafe book is next on my list of things to read.

    Love the bag! I totatlly understand about the inside, the inside of my purse is this blue/silvery shade that I still love!!!

    Mrs Poland @
    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  4. I am ordering the Book Whisperer and The Cafe Book right now! I love the Daily 5, so I'm betting I'll enjoy both of these, too! Thanks!!

  5. Edana says:

    Just found your blog! *excited* love your blog design too 🙂

    Color Me Kinder

  6. Caryl P says:

    LOVE that bag! I think I could keep the inside of that clean, sometimes all you need is the motivation to do it. Love your Erin Condren planners–I have the life planner and am contemplating the teachers plan book for next school year.

  7. I love your bag and your blog!

    I am your newest follower! I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance! =)


  8. Busy Bees says:

    Love your bag. I had to laugh when I saw what you had inside of it. I could about ditto everything!!
    Just found your darling blog!

  9. KRISTA says:

    Hi Molly! Thanks for posting on my blog. I appreciate it! I LOVE the Erin Condren planner too. I am a new follower to your blog.

    Have a great week!

  10. vicky1970 says:

    Hi Molly
    Cute blog…so glad I found you. Who doesn't love girl scout cookies right? Come on over and check me out I'm new too. Dreamlike Magic did my design too. :o)
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  11. Kimberlee :) says:

    You are SO organized:) Love the liner of your bag also – My old laptop bag, I loved due to the interior teal color (at the time). Men just do not understand, do they?…LOL – love your planners also – very vibrant!

    Two Fulbright Hugs
    Teacher Timesavers

  12. omgosh!! I LOVE EC….I have her life planner and address book..I have 2 GCs that are waiting to be used!

    ♥ Jen
    The Teacher's Cauldron

  13. Ms.M says:

    Wow you get a lot in there. I knew a teacher who had the same bag and she didn't get nearly as much in there.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  14. Stephanie says:

    Ohmiword do I love your bag!!! My husband wouldn't get it either, but I would have bought it too. I have a bit of a love affair with Coach. And I'm thinking I will have one with Erin Condren once my planner arrives too 🙂

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

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