I always love having students help with classroom tasks and take over responsibility for some of our classroom jobs that need to be done! I’ve managed classroom jobs many different ways throughout the years, but this is the system that we have been using for the past few years that has worked really well in our classroom! Plus, this classroom jobs display is easy to manage + a great reference for students who may need to review their job responsibilities!

Classroom Job Display
I use these classroom job cards I created to display our jobs! The job cards are editable, so you can customize the jobs and descriptions for your classroom! I love having the job description listed below each job as a reminder as to what the job responsibilities are!

The job cards are inside of square adhesive pouches that I bought from the Target dollar spot! They usually are in stock around the beginning of each school year, but if you can’t find them, you could easily use library book cards instead and just glue the job cards on the front!
Then I take blank index cards and cut about an inch off the top. I write down each students’ name and then just slide their index card behind the classroom job that they are in charge of! It’s an easily manageable classroom jobs display, whether you decide to change jobs weekly, monthly, or each trimester!

You can grab my editable classroom job cards here!
Classroom Job Ideas
Our classroom jobs vary from year to year depending on the needs of our classroom and changing environment! These are some of the classroom jobs that we have been using in our classroom this year or have used in the past!
- Sticker Manager
- Supply Assistant
- Supply Cart Manager
- Teacher’s Assistant
- Plant Person
- Desk Checker
- Line Leader
- Equipment Manager
- Librarian
- Whiteboard Manager
- Date Changer
- Calendar Manager
- Pencil Patrol
- Absentee Aide
- Pledge Leader
- Aesthetic Assistant
- Hand Sanitizer Helper
- Class Receptionist
- Patio Checker
- Tech Team
- Class Messenger
- Paper Passer
- Paper Collector
- Mailboxes
Some jobs are assigned to just one student, while other jobs have anywhere from 2-4 students helping out with them! The number of students I assign to a specific job depends on what the job entails, as well as how many students are in my class that year. I also always ask for student job suggestions throughout the year, and sometimes students come up with great ideas for new classroom jobs!

Classroom Job Management
In the past I have changed student jobs monthly, and even weekly, however the past few years we switch jobs at the beginning of each trimester! I like having students keep the same job for the longer period of time and they have liked it too!
If ever there is a student who is not keeping up with their classroom job responsibilities I will choose another student to help out. I used to give them class money each week for classroom jobs, however I am not using a classroom economy system this year! They love having classroom responsibilities and are usually very attentive to their jobs!

Classroom Job Applications
At the beginning of the year we don’t always have our student technology right away (we have 1:1 iPads), so usually the first job application is on paper. I go over all the classroom jobs and what the job expectations are and then my students fill out the classroom job application!
For the 2nd and 3rd trimesters students have their iPads, so they fill out a Google Form job application! I love having them complete the job application on a Google Form because I can easily use the search feature to find who applied for specific jobs. As I go through their responses, I highlight each student’s name on the Google Sheet after I assign their jobs, which it makes it easier for me to see which students/jobs are already filled and make sure everyone gets a job they are excited about!

Want to learn more about my classroom?
Follow me on Instagram here for daily stories and inspiration!
Get my editable daily schedule cards (pictured above) here!
Watch a tour of my classroom here!
Learn about how I use stickers in my classroom here!

Could you share the Google form for your job application?!
What font did you use to write, “Classroom Jobs”?
Do you have a copy of your job application?
I was wondering if you were still handing out the link for the Google job application?
Yes!!! Here’s the link!!! https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63224682461ab140427b8d31